Bio packaging


From the ocean


As a designer I strive to bring to the world new things that positively impact people. With that I feel comes a big responsability to make things that respect our planet.

In nature there is no such things as waste, everything that is produced serves to develop others organism.

'' What if we start to look around us and reconsider what we consider waste. "


Experimenting with oyster shells

Understand the material and his characteristics.


Finding the right recipe

Experimenting with different proportions.

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Part 1 : Testing

Refining the material properties, strength, colours and proportions.

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Adding of natural pigments.

Adding of natural pigments.


Designing the moulds for 3D printing

Thinking about the molding constraints and piece reduction after water as evaporated.


Part 2 : Making the final piece

Molding the piece.


The result

The bio material is used in both protection of the clay pot during transport and reused at home as a base.

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What I have learned :

Getting good at failing often to bring the lessons and improve on the next try.

Improved my understanding of moulding principes and material constraint.

Developed my mindset about circular economy, reusing waste and local ressources.


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